Dear sibling in Christ, Pancake Pride Ecumenical Celebration this year was an evening filled with such immense grace, beauty, healing, joy, love, solidarity and courage. None of this was possible without your participation, support and the amazing ecumenical spirit of Christian service modelled by all who volunteered their time, efforts, and resources to make it possible -Thanks be to God for You!

Here's a favour I'd like to ask of you: In order for us to learn from the organising of these ecumenical events, we need your feedback. Here's a very short survey (Click ME) that would help do that, take a brief few minutes to fill, thank you. These events are organised for Sydney's Mardi Gras/Pride season under the helpful ecumenical banner of 'Rainbow Christians Together' for our communal benefit. This is done initially to try to attract sustainable resourcing/funding support from church institutions, governments and funding bodies, of which is left wanting. We need proper sustained resourcing and support to keep doing this.
As promised for those attending Pancake Pride, here's some resources for you and your communities to share for the coming Transgender Day of Visibility (annually 31st March), used (and acknowledged) in our churches and communities on Sunday 30th March HERE. This as well as Claude's part in the service as requested by so many of you is as attached.
Click below to read the Affirmation of Grace & New Life by Reverend Fr Claude Mostowik